Dehydrators - EZIDRI Range
The EZIDRI technology ensures fast even drying with no tray rotation or loss of nutritional value through a slow drying process.
You can make delicious dried fruit, roll-ups, sweet and savory snacks, muesli and health bars, corn and potato chips, as well as preserve vegetables for winter , for traveling, camping, or school lunches.
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You can make delicious dried fruit, roll-ups, sweet and savory snacks, muesli and health bars, corn and potato chips, as well as preserve vegetables for winter , for traveling, camping, or school lunches.
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Amber Baby Necklace
To ware amber beads necklaces in the time of teething are not a new invention because there are used in most countries since centuries.
The beads have a natural oil, which the skin can absorb and this assists the body in soothing aches and pains. At the same time they boost the immune system, which is quite significant in times of growing.
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The beads have a natural oil, which the skin can absorb and this assists the body in soothing aches and pains. At the same time they boost the immune system, which is quite significant in times of growing.
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Fertility Necklace
This necklace is hand-crafted in New Zealand, using crystals and Sterling Silver.
It has been put together using the following crystal combination especially to increase fertility.
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It has been put together using the following crystal combination especially to increase fertility.
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Wellness Bio-Plate with Support Vest
This Bio-Plate has the same technology as the Enviroplate Necklace but it is much more powerful because it is much bigger and it is worn on the back of the body in a support vest.
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Enviroplate Necklace
When worn on the body this necklace creates a personal protective field against continual exposure to electricity, electro magnetic frequencies (EMF) and radiation in our environment. A protective field of balanced ions stops these damaging effects, which results in optimized cellular functions, contributing to enhanced immunity by getting rid of toxins.
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RadiSafe Phone Protection
" Unprotected cell phones lead to unwanted cancers – proven*. It’s as simple as that. "
* Dr. David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health State University of New York
Cell phones emit high levels of electromagnetic (EMF) radiation directly into you head and it has been scientifically proven that this causes cancer of the brain. We have been searching and testing cell phone protection devices/chips for several years and found nothing that was up to the efficiency standards of our own balancing/EMF protection products. Until now that is!
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Negator Shell
The Negater Shell uses no batteries or wiring the scientific technology within it does all the work unaided. A one off investment that won't break the bank and requires no maintenance!
Small enough to hold in your hand it is easily transportable and tactile enough so that you want to hold it. When the Shell is held it is working within your own bio-energy field (in the same way as the Nu-Me pendant) and so is calming and relaxing. Hold it before going to bed and eliminate the day's stress so that you go to bed nice and relaxed.
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Small enough to hold in your hand it is easily transportable and tactile enough so that you want to hold it. When the Shell is held it is working within your own bio-energy field (in the same way as the Nu-Me pendant) and so is calming and relaxing. Hold it before going to bed and eliminate the day's stress so that you go to bed nice and relaxed.
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Pyramid Energy Balancer
The p.e.bal is the most powerfully proven solution for space clearing / energetic harmonization. It is an extremely effective EMF (ElectroMagnetic Fields) or EMR(ElectroMagnetic Radiation) and geopathic stress protector.
Quantum physics proves that we are ordered energetic systems so anything that throws our energy systems into chaos causes us pain, suffering and dis-ease.
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Quantum physics proves that we are ordered energetic systems so anything that throws our energy systems into chaos causes us pain, suffering and dis-ease.
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Nano Wand
The Nano Healing Wand is a natural energy generating device. The special combination of granulated crystals and minerals (Tourmaline, maifanshi Stone, far infra-red stone, calcium ion, pi stone and nano silver powder) which have been processed using nanonized Fusion Technology, are resonating with Zero Point Energy, which is the energy from which everything is made - including us. The wand is also embedded with a scalar frequency.
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Solfeggio Crystal Pendant
The pendants are made from the highest grade crystals, which have their own properties. The pendants are also embedded with
Solfeggio frequencies, using the latest Life Energy technology to provide the body with the resources for health, well-being and fulfillment.
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Solfeggio frequencies, using the latest Life Energy technology to provide the body with the resources for health, well-being and fulfillment.
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Turquoise Pendant
Turquoise is a purification stone. It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.
Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is excellent for depression and exhaustion; it also has the power to prevent panic attacks.
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Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is excellent for depression and exhaustion; it also has the power to prevent panic attacks.
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Nu-Me Shell
The Nu-Me Shell Protective Pendant is the most stunning, exquisitely,hand-made piece of jewelery you will ever see or own.
Shells (this is molded on a real one) move energy in a specific way. This means that the balanced, positive,life affirming energy from the Nu-Me Shell is very calming.
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Shells (this is molded on a real one) move energy in a specific way. This means that the balanced, positive,life affirming energy from the Nu-Me Shell is very calming.
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Nu-Me Pendants
The Nu-Me protective pendant is unlike any other protective pendant on the market.
The Nu-Me uses the same powerful energy-manipulative / harmonizing technology as the p.e.bal designed into a stunning range of pendants that are not merely functional but are hand made (in New Zealand) pieces of jewelry that look good on both men and women.
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The Nu-Me uses the same powerful energy-manipulative / harmonizing technology as the p.e.bal designed into a stunning range of pendants that are not merely functional but are hand made (in New Zealand) pieces of jewelry that look good on both men and women.
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