Nano Healing Wand

The Nano Healing Wand is a natural energy generating device. The special combination of granulated crystals and minerals (Tourmaline, maifanshi Stone, far infra-red stone, calcium ion, pi stone and nano silver powder) which have been processed using nanonized Fusion Technology, are resonating with Zero Point Energy, which is the energy from which everything is made - including us. The wand is also embedded with a scalar frequency.
This energy also rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids and food. The molecular structure causes them to become more hydrated and so taste better with an extend shelf life.
What can you use the Life Energy Nano Wand for?
This energy also rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids and food. The molecular structure causes them to become more hydrated and so taste better with an extend shelf life.
What can you use the Life Energy Nano Wand for?
- Pain relief.
To assist healing.
To discharge energy blockages in the body.
Clear and strengthen the Bio energetic field.
Energize food and drink thus increasing its potency and benefit to the body.
Assists with healing and energetic imbalances in pets and animals.
Helps plants to absorb the nutriments needed to grow and to flourish.
What are the benefits from using the Life Energy Nano Wand:
Helps the body to obtain homeostasis.
Strengthens the biofield.
Facilitates healing.
Relieves pain and discomfort.
Energizes food and drink making them more beneficial to the body.
Makes food and drink more acceptable to the body (food intolerance).
Stimulates bodily functions.
Strengthens immunity.
Facilitates and strengthens the flow of Life Energy into the body.
Energizes the body and increases its performance.
Makes plants, fruits and vegetables grow better, stronger and more nutritional.
Helps pets to become and stay healthy and energetic.
Because of all the above improves the quality of life.
The Nano Wand is portable, comes with a faux-leather case and is easy to use.
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