The speed of time becomes more and more accellerated and most people rush through
life, keeping up with all their tasks, the "things" which are changing, the "things" they have to learn - especially technically .... surviving the demands from every site ...... and the result? Most people forget themselves and their personally and bodily needs. Few people indulge any more in a hobby or walk for fun, few people are really caring for their bodies and are more and less astonished when they get sick or feel overworked or overwhelmed from everything they "have" to do and organize. Fun has become an empty word. Do you see people having really fun? I don't speak about people who are drinking and losing their mnd. When you walk though the streets most people look joy-less, very occassionally you get a smile or at least a glance. It is time for us all to re-discover the beauty of life again. And for this we need TIME . Time to observe, to contemplate, to taste, to sense, to read, to sing, to travel ... and whatever attracts you to experience. Often "I have no time" is an excuse not do it, but we need to TAKE the time and when it is only half an hour per day ... and to do whatever feels right and joyful. At the moment I do every morning and every evening before I go to sleep "The Healing Code" (a self heal technique discovered from Alexander Loyd). Every session is just 6 minutes, in total 12 minutes per day and it is more refreshing than just doing nothing or reading a book, or drinking a coffee or wine. Sometimes I meditate as well - between 20 - 30 minutes. In total I am more relaxed, feel more centered and one with myself. What could YOU do for yourself? What would you like to do? How could you bring yourself more in the center of your life? What would bring you joy, excitement or amazement? Don't think about it ............ feel about it! Vitamin C is excessively studied and became very famous through the Nobel price winning scientist Linus Pauling who himself too 25 grams of Vitamin C every day until he died at th age of 96. He was at this time still professionally active and mentally very clear.
There is already very much written about Vitamin C but there are still people who are believing that it is not important - even being the most popular Vitamin - or they use it only when they get a cold or want to avoid it (if anyhow). Unfortunately our human bodies are unable to produce our own Vitamin C like most animals can do and our bodies cannot store it either. Therefore we are dependent on getting it from our food or from Vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C has a lot of functions in our body. Because these functions are not well known among most people, I will talk about them here to make you easily understand WHY Vitamin C is so important. One of thew main functions of Vitamin C is that it is needed to support the body to produce the protein collagen. Collagen is needed for creating skin, blood vessesl, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Collagen is also needed to grow tissues, especially cartilage and to strengthen and repair all of it. Without Vitamin C wounds wouldn't heal. But bones and teeth are equally dependent on the presence of enough Vitamin C. It protects the arteries against damage and keeps them flexible and strong. Vitamin C is as well active in our immune system, it is found in high concentrations in our immune cells. Another function is that Vitamin C is needed as an antioxidant to minimize the damage of free radicals, which would lead the body into early aging or chronic illnesses. Vitamin C also helps protect cell membranes from t0xic wastes and destruction and is especially effective when taken with Vitamin E. Vitamin C is also a natural antihistamine. It prevents the release of histamines, which is very important in cases of allergies and increases the detoxification of histamines. But the sufficient presence of Vitamin C has also the function to maintain health and to prevent certain conditions like immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular diseases, gum diseases, prenatal health problems, eye diseases, asthma, high blood pressure, cancer, arthritis, osteoarthritis and even skin wrinkling ... and much, much more. There are certain signs of deficiency of Vitamin C To get easily bruised and the bruises take very long to disappear, even small wounds take long to heal, the body seems to be weak to ward off infections, dry skin and dry and splitting hair, inflammation or bleeding of the gums, often nose bleeding. A severe form of deficiency would be scurvy, which is not very common but is still present today. Smoking cigarettes lowers the amount of Vitamin C in the body. Therefore smokers and people who are using nicotine patches are at a higher risk of Vitamin C deficiency. There are also precautions to take High doses of Vitamin C supplements can have a diuretic effect or produce gas or an upset stomach, in this case it is advisable just to lower the dose and to augment it slowly. Lots of commercial Vitamin C is unfortunately made from corn. When you are sensitive to corn, you should look for alternatives. Vitamin C increases the amount of iron absorbed from foods. People who have the condition where too much iron is building up in their bodies, should not take Vitamin C. People with kidney stones should talk to their doctor before taking Vitamin C. Vitamin C may raise or decrease blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, therefore it is advisable to control the blood sugar levels. Vitamin C may potentially interact with some chemical medications or chemotherapy drugs, sometimes for the better, sometimes it is not advisable. Taking a supplement or getting it through food? First of all not everybody eats organic fruits and vegetables - and other fruits and vegetables are often heavily sprayed with insecticides, pestizides, the soil is fertilized with nasty chemicals. For these people I would always recommend a supplement, which is cleaner. People who eat solely organic fruits and vegetables should consider that even the organic soils are often depleted and the results are less vitamins and mineral contents. Maybe they are better off but still I would recommend to supplement Vitamin C. But all in all .... when I would have the choice to have only one Vitamin, I would take Vitamin C. At the moment I take 4 - 6 gram/day. Getting Vitamin C intravenous from time to time is for me the best "remedy" to get more energy and it relaxes me totally from stress, which is still in my life. What did you learn about becoming older? Did you learn that it means to become weaker
and weaker and finally sick? Did you learn that it will be normal to become "rounder"? Did you learn that aches and pain are the normal signs of old age? Did you learn that being old will be more strain than fun? Did you learn that after 60 years you can die every minute? When you look around you will see lots of old people being weak, sick and "round". They have manifested their thoughts/beliefs about old age. Do you need to do the same? I don't think so. BUT to live something different, you have to think, feel and do something different. First of all you need to think differently. It is not "written in stone" that when you become older that you will become weaker, sick or fat. Yes, your body will change: the skin will lose its firmness and will get wrinkles ... but you decide how fast and how much. And this depends on your activity, your exposure to the sun - enough to get the amount of Vitamin D your body needs, but not too much, and it depends on what you eat and drink. Are you eating only organic food and are drinking clean water? Are you restraining yourself from sugar, wheat and red meat? Do you eat only when you are hungry? Do you have enough movement? Are you sleeping in a dark room? These are only some examples how you could keep yourself fit and healthy your whole life. How young you are even in old age is the result of how you liive your life day by day. Do you experience life as a burden, a struggle or en exciting experience? Are you joyful, calm and relaxed or more anxious, worried, angry? Do you love at least one person? Do you enjoy the company of others or is it more painful than enjoyable? Do you look for problems instead of solutions? Do you have a negative or positive attitude towards life? Are you grateful for what you have or do you want always more? Is your aliveness important to you? Do you learn from life and others? Do you follow your dreams and interests, or are you only occupied in becoming rich, important or famous? Do you want to live yourself or do you only want to be a good person in the eyes of others? Are you creative or only interested in surviving? How do you treat your body? Do you care for it or do you take no notice of its needs? Are you active for your happiness? The older you become the more your lived life will be visible. A person who loves its own life, others, his/her body and is joyful and grateful will always be free of aches and pains and look young, even if the outer skin has aged. Chia Seeds are packed with PROTEINS - the double amount of any grains or seeds.
Chia Seeds are full of important B Vitamins such as B6, B5 (Niacin), Thiamin, and Folate. Chia Seeds are containing more than double of the Calcium that milk does. Chia Seeds are containing the trace mineral Boron. Boron is helping the body to absorb and optimize the Calcium. Chia Seeds have other important minerals like Magnesium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Molybdenum and Zinc. You can say that Chia Seeds are a true nutritional powerhouse. They are containing all the essential Amino Acids that make up a complete Protein. Another advantage is that they are very shelf stable and are not requiring refrigeration for at least 9 month. When you don't expose them to temperature extremes, they will last for a couple of years. They are a great source for a healthy life style. In all Western societies the amount of people who are becoming ill is increasing.
And the more people are becoming ill, the more remedies are invented, the more cures are coming up, the more healers appear, the more research is been done to find out more about the reasons why people are becoming sick in order to prevent or to exploit it for gaining money. The cure and/or prevention of sickness have created a whole industry that lives from it. What means that a whole lot of people, who are ONLY interested in the money it will bring them, are taking advantage of it and are not really interested in the health of people. Having this in mind you are maybe interested to look into this issue on a more conscious level – because you could become ill yourself or you are already sick,- or you work with sick people – in order to understand the deeper background. What is in common in all Western Societies that we don’t accept weakness, illness and death as an expression of life. We even don’t accept “bad” feelings like sadness, despair, fear, anxiousness and anger. For this reason very often people who are ill, or are in emotional or mental difficulties feel less worthy or they tend to don’t show their inner truth or even their illness. This means that a lot of us do as much as we can to avoid difficulties, weaknesses, illness or death. When we feel sick, we suppress the symptoms as fast and as much as we can, mainly with no understanding of the reasons behind it. Our main tools to don't get sick, weak or even being different are suppression, elimination and avoidance. We want to get rid off and to “kill” in us what is disturbing or maybe killing us. These are our ‘old’ responses towards danger stemming from our earlier times on this planet when we had to deal with dangerous animals or people. But these means, to which we got used to over long periods of times and which we are still using in this time - in all areas of our lives - have become more and more destructive and we have to un-learn them when we don’t want to destroy mankind and the whole planet. Illnesses and death are facts of life and they can be used as learning tools. Ilness and every kind of difficulty are inviting us to become more conscious about ourselves, the way we live: feel, think, behave, eat and drink and much more. Maybe you have heard already about the universal law: The more we don’t accept something, the more it will come into our life (or the longer it stays), in order to accept what is and to give us more and more options to deal with it in a conscious way. When you are ill, to accept being ill, is one of the major attitudes in overcoming an illness. The next step would be to understand the source of the illness and to integrate this whole understanding into your life. At this point, I would like to share with you my understanding about healing after having worked for years as a psychotherapist and healer. Healing is very often used in the sense of curing. But healing is not curing. For instance a person maybe cured from an illness but this person is not healed because the lesson behind the illness is not learnt and so the option for learning will come again with the same illness or another illness or difficulty. Therefore, as an example, some people are getting cancer or another illness for a second time or even more times. To understand this on a deeper level it is important to realize that ‘healing’ is a path in which all beings on earth are involved and that it is NOT a certain kind of treatment. On a path of 'HEALING' our goal is to become more and more whole, 'perfect' would be a better discription but because the word “perfect” is packed with human values, it is better to say whole or complete. We all have the potential and therefore the option, to become totally open for everything (for extrasensory experiences as well), to live and to express ourselves totally, to strengthen our own will and our perceptions and to come into the state of love. We are given endless time for this development but on a soul-level we all are heading towards this goal. On this path of our development we need to recognize – sooner or later - when we are N O T following our own paht of development. And there are certain signs for it, for instance Illness would be one of it. Other signs are: that a person is not constantly not joyful or happy, does not find a partner, is lonely, or ugly, or has little energy. In any case the lack of development is always visible when we look for it. There are endless possibilities for not developing our potential: For instance: the use of power and defiance, withdrawal from life or people, resignation, not wanting to have problems, or certain feelings, or pains, to reduce oneself on only one or two issues in life ( f.e. somebody is only involved at his profession or family). Or somebody reduces himself only on survival. Or is in total disregard of its body. When you can see illness as a possibility to learn and to grow through it, you can stop fearing to become ill. But you will do your best to care for your body, your psyche and your mental processes. Because learning to care for yourself is as well part of your development as. And therefore you can be more focused on being/becoming happy and in supporting your growth, instead of putting your energy in avoiding illness/difficulties, which leads to nowhere. |
June 2016